The Ganesha obstacle remover tarot card spread is all about intuition, wisdom and intention. It would help you identify obstacles both conscious and unconscious which may be limiting you. Obstacles can be anything from illness, poverty, or a relationship conflict, to material illusions and false self-identities. This reading can help you grab the bull by the horns and steer yourself in a promising new direction.
Many a times, I have had clients who identify and acknowledge their limiting obstacles through this spread, and as we understand the actions or solutions that can help live a purpose-driven life. The opportunities and the tools to make these changes would follow almost automatically, fueled by the self-actualizing forces within.
Though you can go for the spread anytime, opting to do this spread during the Ganesha festivities makes this session more potent. Ganesha helps in clearing the obstacles that have been impeding your progress. Removal of these obstacles will bring a shift in your progress and consciousness – with destruction comes creation. Working with his energies would give you all you need to conquer your obstacles.

The Ganesha obstacle removal tarot session will help:
1. Understand what your obstacles are
2. Understand the work that needs to be done to resolve issues
3. Give you practical strategies to get around obstacles
Obstacles can either bury you, or they can bring out your most creative intellect and capabilities. Basically, it’s about putting in the time and care necessary to overcome your challenges. During the auspicious days of Ganesha festivities, you can clear unwanted, negative energy from your body, your aura, and your environment. Embrace the opportunity to change and move into a positive phase of freedom. Along with the Ganesha Obstacle remover tarot spread you can try these ways to balance your energy and align with your divine purpose:

1) Reconnect with the divine
You may choose to balance your chakra energy centers by taking a much needed break or stepping outside for fresh air or a visit to your temple, church or place of worship will help you be more grounded.
2) Renergise
Take a refreshing sea salt bath, and also use incense or white sage, or essential oils such as lavender, clove, or basil to clear your home and workspace.
3) Meditation
Take a picture of Ganesha, look at the visual, the colours and the energy. As you look at the picture, focus your attention on the breath. Slowly close your eyes and notice how your body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage, and belly. Simply focus your attention on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity. If your mind wanders, return your focus back to your breath. When you are completely relaxed, pray and visualise your obstacles being removed or taken away.
Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome obstacles– conflict, self-sabotage or illusions holding you back from living a fulfilling life. Call 97499287 to book a slot today.